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IIPDW: zweite Online Konferenz - Withdrawal from Psychiatric Drugs (10.&11.02.2023)

Hinweise und Informationen zu Veranstaltungen, Teilnahme an Studien, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und dergleichen
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Beiträge: 436
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IIPDW: zweite Online Konferenz - Withdrawal from Psychiatric Drugs (10.&11.02.2023)

Freitag, 10 Februar 2023, 16:00 deutsche Zeit
- Samstag, 11 Februar 2023, 19:30 deutsche Zeit

Online-Konferenz auf Englisch.


This second online conference by the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal will present a mixture of talks, video, discussion and panels to recap what we know about psychiatric drug withdrawal, and what we have still to learn.

The conference will look at the latest developments in research and the world of online peer support and offer a practical method for withdrawing from antidepressants and other prescribed drugs.

It will ask what we can learn from people with lived experience of withdrawal, and what are the different ways we can support someone in withdrawal as a peer or professional. It will also address the topic of children and young people on psychiatric drugs. Anyone with a personal or professional interest is welcome.

https://iipdw.org/wp-content/uploads/20 ... _flyer.pdf

Tickets ab 13 Euro
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/withdraw ... 6044801007

International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal

- Support research and practice-based knowledge that will facilitate safe reduction of and withdrawal from psychiatric drugs.
- Contribute to evidence-based practices for reduction of and withdrawal from psychiatric drugs, and facilitate their inclusion in general practice guidelines.
- Support the human right to informed choice with regard to psychiatric drugs.
- Promote practices that help families, friends, and practitioners support safe reduction of and withdrawal from psychiatric drugs, and take into account relational and social aspects essential to this process.

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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Iris für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 3):
Rosenrot, Levande, Spyrogyra